Digital Creation
Project time? Need a great tech tool to show off what you know? Check out some of our favorite FREE TOOLS below...
Project time? Need a great tech tool to show off what you know? Check out some of our favorite FREE TOOLS below...
Movie MakingStill using Movie Maker? That is SO 2006. Adobe Spark is a great movie making tool for the novice user. The built in themes and transitions can turn any images, icons, text and audio into beautiful videos. Editing features are a bit limited, so if you feel stifled, check out WeVideo instead. WeVideo is a cloud based movie editing tool that is FREE to use. It connects with your Google Drive, Instagram, Facebook, Picasa, Dropbox accounts and more to make getting media into your project even easier. The built in help videos and tutorials make video editing a breeze!
Posters and MoreCanva is a free, cloud based tool that allows users to:
Try InfographicsInfographics are a great way to display data, images, and charts along with words to help an audience understand the information you've collected. Check out our favorite infographic tools: Piktochart Venngage |